Monday, August 31, 2009

Why do I need to readjust my habits?

  • I cannot stop watching FRIENDS... even in my dreams.
  • The crush feeling is not what it used to be.
  • Nothing good comes out of stress eating.
  • I only have two weeks left at my job so I really should make the best of it.
  • The test is in less than two months. I am behind by a lot.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Highway 101?

  • It is one of her goals.
  • It is scenic. We must find Reyes Point!
  • It would take longer, but at least that increases the opportunity to experience her driving skills.
  • There is only a few weeks left of summer.
  • It has been too long since I have been to California. We would be going in the general direction of Disneyland!
  • We have people to stay with, so housing will not be too big of a problem.
  • Exploring LA would be so different sans parentals.
  • They both deserve a vacation.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why should I worry? Why should I ca-a-a-are?

  • So little time. Try to understand that I'm trying to make a move just to stay in the game.
  • Never checked the price, it just all came to me. But, nowadays, I'll be pinchin' every penny, 5 star dining at my local Denny's.
  • The writing's on the wall. There's nothin' to say anymore. So I'll leave before I fall apart right back into your arms.
  • I still think it better if you take your time coming over here. I think that's for the best.
  • Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the dumbest of them all. Insecurities keep growing. Wasted energies are flowing. Anger, pain and sadness beckon. Panic sets in in a second.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Why do I like going home?

  • There is cable.
  • I never go hungry.
  • It smells good in this house always.
  • So much money is hiding in the corners of the rooms.
  • My purple sweat pants and baseball tee are always clean and ready to wear with every visit.
  • My papa and mama love me even if I feel worthless.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why does my Baby Mac deserve honorable mention?

  • She was the BEST Christmas present ever.
  • She matches Snow White.
  • She is guardian to my best playlists.
  • She knew that he hurt me and called in those boys from the beach for damage control.
  • She has already realized and accepted how needy I am, always finding a way to recover so that I am not sitting on the curb crying after a malfunction.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why do I love this girl named Mayra?

  • If I listed all her quirky habits that I find adorable, you would never want to read this blog again.
  • She cannot swim, but she will still go on an innertube ride that she knows will end in disaster.
  • She studies with me in more ways than one.
  • CEVICHE!!! Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.
  • There is a land called Passive Aggressiva and she is their queen. This is actually a good thing. The last time I saw her mad, she threw a baseball at the wall like it was nobody's business.
  • She and her Singaporean girlfriend adopted me, asking for nothing but my love in return.
  • She took me to New York and let me run the AC even though she was probably suffering from hypothermia.
  • She was half the reason that I survived Mississippi.
  • She is already a quarter century old and still does not know how extraordinary she is.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why do I have to get out of this place?

  • The AC in the computer lab seems off today. Not off like not on, but off like not making the room the temperature I want it to be.
  • I need to go downtown to get some tickets for some people to watch some show.
  • I keep looking at my email from Disney Destinations.
  • I feel like talking him.
  • The boss is leaving for San Francisco. I will not have anyone to talk to about food and roommates until next week.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why do I think workweeks should be more like the weekend?

  • During my office's ice cream party, I got to know a boy with the same name as an ex-crush. I am pretty sure this one is gay and much more fun.
  • I shared Noah's Bagels by By George with an old roomie.
  • He bought me a slurpee that looked like the sunrise.
  • I bonded with my sister over Killer Bunnies, Chrononauts, Scategories, and sesame balls.
  • We only spent $13 for four Power Jamba Juices and four KFC 2-Piece Chicken Meals.
  • Hearts + Vodka = Good Times.
  • Grocery shopping and cooking with the food soul mate will always have a happy ending.
  • She told me funny stories that made me ROFL.
  • They stayed up for an extra hour to watch our friend, Phoebe, get the chicken pox.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Why am I sitting alone at a pub?

  • I am waiting for her to get off work.
  • I am having second thoughts about him.
  • He wanted to go grocery shopping.
  • He is busy getting ready to move.
  • She did not need tutoring today. She is probably getting her dance on.
  • I tried to stall as much as I can, but there really was not anythig that I can do.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why do I think it is about time that I cut my hair?

  • It will not stay in a ponytail when I am playing at the pool, studying on the roof, etc.
  • It has gotten to the point where I have trouble brushing a section of my hair in one stroke.
  • My bangs get stuck on my lips when it is windy and I have fresh lip balm on.
  • I am starting to shed like none other.
  • My roomie decided that her hair is getting kinda long, too. The race to see whose hair grows faster will begin soon. Date: TBA.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why do I wish to have a time-turner?

  • One me can do the work that I need to do while another me goes apartment shopping with her. This gives time for the me me to catch up on sleep.
  • I would use it to help my friends, too.
  • It makes a fine piece of jewelry.
  • If I had one, it would probably mean that I know how to use and magic.
  • If I had one, it would probably mean that I understand how time travel works.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why is August 4th so important?

  • Without it, the wedding would not have happened.
  • Without the wedding, my sister would not exist.
  • Without my sister, I would not exist.
  • Without me, this blog would not exist.
  • Without the blog, I would not have been able to publicly congratulate my papa for being lucky enough to have a woman to put up with him for 26 years. Nyohohohoho!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Why am I so optimistic?

  • When one has hit bottom, ideally, there is nowhere to go but up.
  • You would be optimistic if you had the friends that I have.
  • He is a smart boy, but kinda retarded. I never doubted that it would take him a while before he realizes that he loves me.
  • A psychic told me that I would live into my 80s. When my baby cousin sent me a cursed chain letter the following week, nothing happened. That old lady must have been right. I have nothing to worry about.
  • The Beach Boys' Sounds of Summer is the most played album on my iPod. Even if I wanted to be pessimistic, Brian Wilson will not let me.