Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Highway 101?

  • It is one of her goals.
  • It is scenic. We must find Reyes Point!
  • It would take longer, but at least that increases the opportunity to experience her driving skills.
  • There is only a few weeks left of summer.
  • It has been too long since I have been to California. We would be going in the general direction of Disneyland!
  • We have people to stay with, so housing will not be too big of a problem.
  • Exploring LA would be so different sans parentals.
  • They both deserve a vacation.


  1. I don't understand any of this. Explain.

  2. Did this happen? Because this is a goal of mine as well and I wanted to know how it went and other details.

  3. I haven't gone yet, silly! It's in the works! We're rolling out on September 25th.
