Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why do I think that fruits is the most awesome food group ever?

  • Three words: Yunnie. Watermelon. Icy.
  • They are definitely the best smelling of all food groups. Let's be honest, who would wear Burger King's Whopper Cologne?
  • They are already sweet. And, there is no need for added sugar. Duh.
  • They taste good salty, too. If you haven't tried it already: mangoes with bagoong AND apples/strawberries/cherries/pineapple/grapefruit/pomelo/any citrus fruit with salt.
  • They are multi-players! Good for breaskfast-on-the-go, snacks, dessert for lunch, and garnish for dinner.
  • Fruits are like people. You have freaks like the hairy kiwi and the easy-t0-undress bananas.
  • I don't know. Maybe the raspberry "frozen" yogurt that I am eating right now is skewing my judgement.