Monday, November 23, 2009

Why will I be watching "The One on the Last Night" with the roomies?

Breaking up with Seattle may be one of the worst things I will ever have to do.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Why was today a good day?

  • Breakfast: $20
  • Christmas present: total $33
  • Admission into Seattle Aquarium: $16
  • Carousel ride: $1.50
  • Snapshots at the pier photobooth: $3
  • Day spent with Annie: priceless

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why I am taking that job?

  • It is not because I hate him.
  • It is not because I am tired of teaching.
  • It is not because I want to get away from the city.
  • I want to know that I can survive the wilderness!
  • I want to at least try the field of engineering.
  • I want to see if I can find love in the grocery store just like in that music video.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why do I love this girl named Heidi?

  • She serves the best coffee no matter what color apron she wears.
  • She taught me the word "ergonomic."
  • She is a lot prettier than those boys she is associated with.
  • She gets tipsy faster that I can type "tipsy."
  • She makes a great friend, sister, feminine figure, etc.
  • She will always be the first person who I met that made me think that Olympic High School will be okay.
  • I will wait for her outside of her work no matter how far I must travel to do this waiting.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why is this day already full of mishaps?!

  • I was running around too much when I woke up that I forgot to put the rice in the ref.
  • I broke a nail.
  • I thought that the Vietnamese girl sitting in front of me on the car was her, but it was someone else and I kept tryng to talk to her.
  • I read the wrong side of my ferry schedule so it turns out that I was late to the the ferry by five minutes.
  • I will probably also have to be late to work.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Why do I need to rethink my attitude?

  • Lately, my blogs have been on the sad side. I am not sure it makes for a good read.
  • I refuse to say my goodbyes when I am in a fowl mood.
  • It is their birthday month so I shall not tromp it with a pity party.
  • I am getting a new car. So what if it is silver?!
  • I have got to make this last week in the city worth it!
  • The feeling slash fear of being replaced is irrational, right? I don't know. Maybe.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why do I feel awful about having to leave my current part-time job?

  • My co-workers are awesome.
  • My superiors are admirable.
  • He is so likable.
  • Most of the students are very sweet.
  • I had to be stern with a few kids today and hope that they do not hate me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why do I need to get Seattle out of my system?

The following will be difficult to find in Grand Coulee:
  • the city skyline
  • the wide variety of coffee shops
  • the music venues
  • the theaters (both of the show and cinema varieties)
  • the eats
  • the prevalent acceptance of credit
  • the public transportation
  • the best roommates

Monday, November 2, 2009

Why am I blogging from my iPhone?

  • I am too lazy to get off my butt.
  • It is much warmer under my blankie than at a the table.
  • I like knowing that I am using my data plan to its fullest potential.
  • The clicking of the letters makes me feel like I know Morse code.
  • Our apartment's internet has not been working so I cannot do this on my laptop even if I wanted to.